Tuesday 5 May 2015

Editing of Images- Contents Page

Image for Contents Page
This is the original image that I have chosen to use for my front cover. I have chosen to use this image because it is quite similar to the images that used in other content pages of this genre. This is image is medium close up of the rapper 'Big Ibz'. By using a medium shot it allows the reader to see most of what is happening in the image. The image was taken at a low angle which allows the rapper to be looking down at the camera. This will demonstrate the power he has over his fans and readers. I will have to crop out the white background to keep an consistent house style throughout my magazine.
This is the development stage of the image being manipulated. I am going to be getting rid of the white background and replace it with a black background to match the front cover. The tool I used to get rid of the white background was the cropping tool. I then used the pain tool to replace it with black background.
This is the edited version of the image that I will be using for my contents page.

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