Sunday 18 January 2015

Research Into The Conventions Of Music Magazines- Double Page Spread

First Magazine- XXL

This double page spread is mainly about Big Sean, this is to identify mostly because of the headline on the left page is shown in a bold, greenish font which is much bigger compared to the smaller font that has been shown as well.
This has been down to grab the readers attention, the colour green is very eye catching in front of a white background as both colours contradict each other.
The font that has been is very modern which shows that their target audience is the younger generation of Hip- Hop.
The size of the masthead also shows the importance Big Sean as he is a well respected artist in the music industry
XXL did not place the title on the top of the page but they placed the title on the left side of the page.
This shows how XXL is unique compared to other magazines, this is very effective and entices the audience to read on.
The main text has been written in a more traditional font ( New Times Roman).
This makes the magazine look classy but informative at the same time.
A simple structure has been used which stops confusion as it stops the reading the wrong section, it also looks professionally written.
On the second page of the double page spread a image of the rapper Big Sean takes up the second page, this emphasizes his dominance with in the music industry.
This image also shows that the magazine is targeted at hip hop fans aged between 16 and 30 as he is well known by the younger generation compared to the older generation.
The image itself is a medium close up, this has been done for the audience to view his attire and facial expressions.
Big Sean attire represents the Hip Hop dress code. He is wearing a lot of jewelry which shows his wealth and also follows the stereotype of hip hop artists wearing a lot jewelry also known as 'bling' 

Second Magazine- Q

This double page spread released from Q has a simple design with both pages dedicated to Lady Gaga, one page with a image of her and the second page with a article.
The main image that has been used is a medium shot of Lady Gaga  nude. Quite a lot flesh has been exposed with her hands and chain covering her breast.
Lady Gaga has posed in this way to gain the audiences attention.
By Lady Gaga posing nude it shows that the magazines target audience is mostly male.
The image that is used is in black and white which represents a classic, mature style to the magazine.
The colour scheme that has been used on this page is black, white and red which creates brand identity through out the magazine.
A large red 'L' is behind the text on the second page which follows the colour scheme of Q magazines.
This colour has been used to immediately draw the readers attention.
In this article their is no title or subtitle. 
The main feature is the image which also demonstrates how important Lady Gaga is for this magazine.
Also a lot of text has been included in this copy of the magazine which may suggest that this magazine is aimed at the older generation compared to other magazine.

Third Magazine- VIBE

This double page spread is effective mostly because of main image being a long shot which is unique in a double page spread.
This image focuses on her bright red dress compared to the smaller images that has been used of the model that are in black and white.
The colour of the dress could suggest that the model is trying to seduce the reader which also shows that the target audience is male.
By having a variety of images in this double page spread it makes the magazine look much more stylish and is effective towards the target audience.
The text that has been written has been laid out in columns making it easier to read and looks professional.
A pull quote has been used however the font style is different compared to the other text.
The font is in bold which could suggest that this technique was used to intrigue the target audience causing them to buy the magazine.
The colour scheme that has been used is white, black and light blue. 
This shows that the colour scheme that has been used is very simplistic.
The font colour is black which creates some contrast between the Solange dress and the text.
This makes Solange stand out even more.

Fourth Magazine- NME
In this double page spread from NME their is a masthead that covers both pages and a picture of a celebrity that also takes up most of the double page spread, this allows the reader to believe that this is the main feature in this double page spread.
In my magazine I will not be wasting so much space on the main image and the title that will be used.
The actual content looks cramped and squashed on the second page.
However this enlarged image would catch the audiences attention.
The colour scheme that has been used in this double page spread red, grey and black. 
all of the colours that has been used are quite dull which could appeal to their target audience which are mature adults.
The model is looking directly at the camera showing that she is the main singer and that she is in control of what is happening.
The background that has been used is white and grey which causes the reader to focus on the model and the writing.

Fifth Magazine- Rolling Stones

The main image that has been used is to appeal for the male audience, I can link the male gaze theory to this. 
The male gaze theory is that women are designed to appeal to a male audience and women are seen as a object rather than people.
The model is wearing a shorts and a bra which is falling of her arm, this reveals most of her body. 
she is stood in a kitchen and appears to be making something. 
This can again be linked to the male gaze theory because of the way she posing and that she is an object just there to cook and clean.
At the top of the page is Katy Perry's name which is used as a  header, this tells the audience who the article is about.
This will attract anyone that is a fan of Katy Perry to buy the magazine or read the article as they go through the magazine.
The title of the magazine has been placed in the middle of the page with the text surrounding it.
The text has been set out in columns making the double page spread very clear, easier to read and makes it look more professional.
The title relates to the photograph that has been used because the audience is being allows to see what she looks like underneath her clothing.

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