Monday 20 October 2014

Creating the survey

Today I had to create a survey to get a rough idea of what people are interested in when reading different magazines.
 I struggled to think of  relevant questions for people answer.
To create the survey I used Survey Monkey which was a very useful website  because it had a variety of different ways to display my questions on such as drop down and multiple choice.
For my first question that I made: What is your gender? 
I used a multiple choice so the students ca easily click on the circle and select what gender they are rather than selecting the option from a drop down or writing it in themselves.
 for a couple questions where I wanted students to write there answer I used a comment box which allows them to write a detailed answer giving me more information. 
I have finished creating my survey which means that I can send it to students by email who are in 6th or in the lower years.
 I will send them the link for my survey which will give me more data for my market research.

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