Wednesday 15 October 2014

Imitation of magazine

15th October

Today in media I  had to continue making the front cover on Indesign.
The purpose of this task was to understand how to use the program and get used to using it as we will be using it for our final piece. 
The magazine that I was using was COSMOPOLITAN. So far i have been able to make the magazine however I did find some stages difficult such as putting the grid lines in the correct positions, inputting text boxes and changing different fonts.

The first stage of using Indesign was to put the guide lines in the correct places in order to layout the images and texts correctly.
The next step was to include the main  heading and other feature by using the grid lines that I set up.
 This did take  quite along time to do because I did not know how to use Indesign properly. 
I included the main heading by inserting a text box with in the guidelines to help with the positioning.
The magazine that I have been creating is now looking like the finished piece. 
I have added the image that has been used in the actual magazine.
 I used another program called Photoshop to crop and edit the image giving it a professional look.
 I am happy with the work that I have completed and the progress that I have made. 
By doing this task it has given me more confidence using Adobe Indesign and also Adobe Photoshop.  
I can improve my front cover by using the guidelines better to position the text and images more accurately on the page making it look more the actual magazine.

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